Dental Implants
The best and most effective solution for a natural smile
There is no need to sacrifice natural teeth to anchor dental bridges.
Restores 99% of the functionality and natural look of teeth.
A treatment that can last a lifetime.
It increases self-confidence and restores the functionality of the teeth.
What is a dental implant?

A dental implant has the same function as the root of a natural tooth, providing solid support for a new tooth. Dental implants are designed to mimic the root structure of natural teeth. They are placed directly into the jawbone so that they provide stable and secure support for the replacement teeth.
Implant costs
Bredent Dental Implant
3500 lei
Straumann Dental Implant
4500 lei
Zygomatic dental implant
Elements of a dental implant

The screw / the implant : it plays the role of an artificial root and is inserted into the bone. This is the base of the tooth and can support one or more artificial teeth (crowns). The screw, either made of titanium, titanium alloy with zirconium or ceramic, can be used to replace a single tooth when supporting a single crown, or can be engaged in bridges on implants.
The Abutment conncts the screw and the artificial tooth. Abutments are specific to each type of implant and it is extremely important that they are provided by the same company as the one which provided the dental implant. A poor adaptation, even a microscopic one, can lead, over time, to inflammation of the peri-implant tissues or to the abutment breaking.
The crown is the aesthetic part of the artificial tooth. This is made in a dental technician laboratory, so that iresembles, as close as possible in shape and color, a natural tooth.
What are the steps of a dental implant?
The process starts with a thorough first consultation and assessment of general health of the mouth as well as any impending ailments. It would be preferable for the patient to already have a recent general xray, no older than 6 months. In order to be able to insert a dental implant, you must the patient must have a clean bill of health from their generaldoctor as well as through a full blood workup, as requested by the dental care professional.
In the final stage of radiological investigations, the patient undergoes a Computer Tomography (CT) examination. The CT offers information on the bone tissue so that our team will be able to establish with certainty the possibility of applying the implants or not. This evaluation also determines if additional procedures are necessary such as: bone additions and reconstructions or sinus lift.
As a basic rule, dental implant treatment has 2 distinct stages:
- The surgical stage: involves inserting the implant in the bone, and subsequently to replace the missing teeth. This will allow the tam to create an artificial root.
- Prosthetic stage: After a minimum of 4-6 months, the implant is uncovered, and the permanent work is inserted.

Why should you resort to dental implants?
Over time, teeth will fall out, to a greater or lesser extent, due to cavities, age or periodontal disease, with undesirable effects on diction, dental aesthetics, and chewing.
The most common condition for which patients require a dental implant is periodontal disease or periodontitis, a condition mainly cuased by the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. This accumulation occurs over time due to improperly performed oral hygiene, but also due to the lack of regular professional cleaning, in a dental office.
Is the intervention painful? How long does it last?
The Implantology procedure is not painful. It is performed in most cases under local anesthesia. This type of anesthesia is highly effective, allowing the doctor to communicate with the patient at all times.
Under specific condition, intravenous sedation ight be necessary, usually with patients with a high level of anxiety or those undergoing more invasive and complex long-term interventions. General anesthesia is used as an exception in oral implantology, only in particular cases.
The duration of the operation varies depending on the number of implants to be inserted and the complexity of the case. On average, we could start from a minimum of 45 minutes and up to several hours.

Dental & Facial Aesthetics Clinic
At Pasindora you may benefit fromȘ
- Experienced physicians
- State of the art technology
- Solutions for dental damage accross the board

Dr. Pintilie Claudiu
Specialist in Oral Surgery and Implantology
“Specialist with over 8 years of experience in the field, I am a dynamic and insightful person who aims to perform dental treatments of the highest level in a professional environment, using state-of-the-art technology, developed clinical protocols, as well as systems oral rehabilitation complexes.”
- Resident in Dento-Alveolar Surgery
- Masters in Implantology
- Trainings in Spain, Austria, Holland, France and Germany
- Over 6000 implants
- More than 500 Fast & Fixed
Our patients confidently recommend us
What are the advantages of dental implats?
- Dental implants feel and look just like natural teeth. Additionally, you will be able to eat your favorite foods without feeling discomfort or pain.
- You will let go of frustrations caused by dental damage, your self-esteem will increase a lot and you will be able to smile to your hearts content.
- You will be able to chew without any issues.
- Most importantly, dental implants cannot be damaged by cavities. However, incresed dental and oral care is a must. Attention! Maintenance of implants will require periodic preventive visits to the dentist's office.
- The materials from which the dental implants are highly compatible with the soft tissue in the mouth, thus eliminating rejection or allergy.
- The initial look and feel of your own teeth may be fully restored and even improved.
- They are durable, they last for many years, with appropriate care they can last a lifetime. You will enjoy a correct, clear speech, as opposed to dentitions, or mobile dentures that may lead to an incorrect articulation of words.
- It is not indicated for people younger than 18, not having a fully developed jaw-dental structure, as well pregnant women and new mothers, as per the advice of the implantologist.
- The first hours after the implants are inserted, a slight discomfort can be expectedl, such as: inflammation, bleeding of the gums, pressure on the gums or pain, and can be controlled with the help of painkillers prescribed by the dentist.
Frequently asked questions
Bruxism is a risk factor in the case of exerting forces generated directly on the dental implant during the stage when the implant should integrate itself in the bone – osseointegration. There are solutions! In such cases, specialists recommend the increase of the amount of time allocated to integration without mechanical loads, adjusting the occlusion and wearing special protections during sleep
Smoking should pe paused for a time before undergoing a dental implanting procedure. Why? This is due to the fact that favors complications, it negatively influences blood circulation, tissue oxygenation, and makes healing after the implant difficult. In addition, this unhealthy habit can halve the life of a smoker’s implant compared to the life of an implant inserted in a non-smoker. Moreover, the healing process is slower in smokers.
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