Dental Prophylaxis - Professional Tooth Brushing

Dental issuea may appear at any point in our life, and, left untreated, lead to complications situations – even up to the loss of teeth. Dental prophylaxis is an effective method of preventing dental disease, but also of interrupting their evolution. When we talk about prophylaxis, we are referring to two essential elements for healthy teeth, namely: professional dental prophylaxis, carried out by the dentist, and personal oral hygiene, carried out on a daily basis by the patient.

Pasindora Clinic in Râmnicu Vâlcea awaits its patients with modern, state of the art equipment and professional, specialized staff. Our aim is to give you a perfect smile!

The importance of professional dental prophylaxis

Oral hygiene is a necessary, but not sufficient, pre-requisite to a beautiful and healthy smile. Simple daily brushing, even if done correctly, will not be able to remove the entire bacterial plaque accumulated in the mouth. Successive deposits of bacteria will lead to the formation of tartar and, implicitly, to the appearance of periodontitis or various diseases.

A dentis will be able to help you avoid these conditions, by professional dental prophylaxis, which has many benefits:

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How often should professional oral cleaning be performed?

In general, the dental prophylaxis procedure should be performed twice a year. There are situations where certain patients may need such a session once every three or four months.

Some reasons might be:

Stages of dental hygiene


Tartar is a successive accumulation of bacterial plaque on the surface of the teeth. Poor oral hygiene, smoking, consumption of foods and drinks rich in sugars and carbohydrates are the main factors in its development. To remove tartar from the surface of dental structures, it is necessary to apply the procedure called “descaling”.

This represents the first stage of the prophylaxis treatment and consists in removing tartar deposits from hard-to-reach areas with the help of an ultrasound-based device. It emits waves that manage to remove tartar without harming teeth or gums. Scaling can prevent periodontal disease and, if it already exists, it can slow down its progression.

dentist Valcea, clincia dentara stomatologie

Professional tooth brushing

Professional brushing is the second stage of dental prophylaxis. This is done using a tool with circular bristles and an abrasive paste. Unlike brushing at home, professional brushing targets hard-to-reach areas, effectively removing plaque.

Air Flow

dentist Valcea, clincia dentara stomatologie

The last stage of professional prophylactic treatment is the use of Air Flow. This is a tool that shoots out a jet of air combined with water and baking soda or calcium powder. Air Flow removes stains from the surface of the teeth and give them shine. Air Flow is also used to prepare dental structures for other procedures such as fillings or fixing an orthodontic appliance.

Other methods of prophylaxis

Professional prophylaxis is very important for dental health, but, in addition to this, patients can also resort to other types of prophylaxis such as:

dentist Valcea, clincia dentara stomatologie

Preventing carvities and periodontal disease

The most effective way to maintain oral health is to prevent caries and periodontal diseases. To prevent the effects, it is necessary to know the causes of their appearance.

Possible causes:

Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of caries and periodontal diseases it is important to: