Dental Aesthetics
Consultation (dental history and status, intra and extra oral photographs)
250 RONIntraoral scan (digital imprint)
200 RONDigital simulation and wax-up
800 RON
PROPHYLAXIS - click here to expand
Professional ultrasonic descaling + brushing
350 RONProfessional ultrasonic descaling + brushing + AirFlow
450 RON6 session airflow package AirFlow for periodontal stabilization
1500 RONTopical fluoridation for both arches
200 RON
ODONTOTHERAPY - click here to expand
Application of desensitizing agent for both arches
200 RONPermanent tooth sealing
250 RONDental jewel
500 RONProfessional whitenning with Zoom lamp
2000 RONLight-curing composite filling under dam isolation
300 - 400 RONBase cavity filling
300 RONGlassionomer filling
200 RONRemoval of dental works / natural tooth
150 RONRemoval of dental works on implant
200 RONTeeth grinding guard / prosthetic work mouth guard / occlusion guard / whitening
500 RON
PROSTHETICS - click here to expand
CAD/CAM Ips Emax ceramics onlay
2500 RONCAD/CAM Empress ceramics Onlay
2500 RONFull zyrconium crown
2000 RONFast & fixed prosthetic work with zirconium crowns
20000 RONFast & fixed prosthetic work, Ips Emax crowns
25000 RONFull zirconium crown on implant
2000 RONCeramic crown on zirconium support on implant
2200 RONIps Emax crown on implant
2500 RONEmpress High Definition Aesthetic Crown
3000 RONIps Emax Veneer
2500 RONComposite veneer
1000 RONTemporary crown made in the office/tooth
500 RONZirconium crown-radicular reconstruction
500 RONCorona-radicular metal reconstruction
400 RONCeramic crown-radicular reconstruction
600 RONIndividualized zirconium prosthetic abutment on the implant
800 RONIndividualized metal prosthetic abutment on the implant
600 RON
ENDODONTICS - click here to expand
Application of calcium hydroxide treatment
300 RONFiberglass pivot reconstruction
400 RONExploratory drill
400 RONAbutment reconstruction
350 RONTooth reconstruction for endodontic purposes
200 RONDifficult access fee
250 RONEmergency dental treatment
300 RONEndodontic treatment single root tooth
900 RONEndodontic treatment multiple root tooth
1000 RONEndodontic treatment difficult teeth (wisdom molar)
1200 RONEndodontic retreatment of single root tooth
1000 RONEndodontic retreatment of multiple root tooth
1100 RONEndodontic retreatment of tooth with anatomical configuration (wisdon molar)
1300 RONRCR removal on a single root
300 RONRCR removal on two roots
350 RONRCR removal on three roots
400 RONDentatus removal
250 RONRemoval of endodontic needle from the canal
500 RONMTA application
200 RON
ORAL SURGERY - click here to expand
Wisdom tooth extraction
600 - 800 RONSimple single root tooth extraction
300 RONSimple multiple root tooth extraction
400 RONSimple extraction – mobile periodontal teeth
250 RONMonoradicular tooth extraction for orthodontic purposes
300 RONMultiradicular tooth extraction for orthodontic purposes
400 RONTemporary tooth extraction
150 RONImplant explantation
700 RONPremolarization
500 RONSurgical abscess drainage
300 RONRidge / arch regularization
1500 RONAlveolar curettage
300 RONCystectomy
600 RONOsteotomy
700 RONOro-sinus communication plasty
500 RONDecapsulation of wisdom tooth
300 RONMonoradicular apical resection
700 RONPluriradicular apical resection
900 RONBredent dental implant
3500 RONZygomatic dental implant
9500 RONMini implant for orthodontic purposes
2000 RONFast & Fixed on 2 Bredent dental implants
10000 RONFast & Fixed on 4 Bredent dental implants
17500 RONFast & Fixed on 6 Bredent dental implants
22500 RONPRF membrane
600 RONBone augmentation
2000 RONAllograft bone block
6000 RONExternal sinus lift
6000 RONInternal sinus lift
3000 RONImplant uncovery
200 RONGingivectomy / tooth
400 RONFrenectomy
600 RONStraumann dental implant
4500 RONFast & Fixed on 2 Straumann dental implants
13000 RONFast & Fixed on 4 Straumann dental implants
23000 RONFast & Fixed on 6 Straumann dental implants
27000 RONGraft prelevation
2500 RON
PERIODONTOLOGY - click here to expand
Periodontal consultation and measurements
300 RONGingivectomy / tooth
400 RONGingivectomy with surgical guidance
2000 RONGingivo-alveoloplasty (crown lengthening)
600 RONLaser treatment for canker sores
300 RONOpen field subgingival curettage / tooth
500 RONSubgingival curettage in closed field / tooth
300 RONSubgingival curettage in closed field / hemiarch
900 RONSubgingival curettage in open field / hemiarch
1800 RONHarvesting connective tissue graft
2500 RONEmdogain application
1300 RONTunneling
700 RONPRP – plasma infiltrations
600 RONFurcation defect coverage
700 RONImmobilization of periodontal teeth/tooth
150 RON
ORTHODONTICS - click here to expand
200 RONMetal orthodontic appliance / arch
3000 RONCeramic orthodontic appliance / arch
3500 RONSapphire orthodontic appliance / arch
4000 RONMaxilary expander
3000 RONTrainer
1500 RONMiofunctional orthodontic appliance
1500 RONMobilizable orthodontic appliance / arch
1200 RONPartial metal orthodontic appliance (6 brackets)
2000 RONSapphire metal orthodontic appliance (6 brackets)
2500 RONTranspalatal bow
1000 RONLingual bow
700 RONOrthoimplant
350 RONMonthly activation of orthodontic appliance / 1 arch
150 RONMonthly activation of orthodontic appliance / 2 arches
250 RONMaxilary expander locking
150 RONStripping / tooth
10 RONLingual bow imprint
100 RONMaxilary expander imprint
100 RONTooth collage included
550 RONContention / arch
500 RONRemoval of orthodontic appliance
500 RONMetal bracket replacement
100 RONSapphire bracket replacement
150 RONSplint for TMJ teraphy
1000 RON
CONSULTATION - apasă pentru a extinde
Facial aesthetics consultation
150 RONFacial aesthetics consultation followed by treatment
BOTULINIUM TOXIN - apasă pentru a extinde
1 area
600 RON2 areas
950 RON3 areas
1300 RONMesobot ox
1300 RONNefertiti lift - for neck wrinkles
1200 RONSmoker lines
1000 RON
HYALURONIC ACID - apasă pentru a extinde
Hyaluronidase 1ml
700 RONLip augmentation / ml
1300 RONTample augmentation / ml
1300 RONCheeks augmentation / ml
1300 RONCorrection of nose folds / ml
1300 RONCorrection of marionette lines / ml
1300 RONCorrection of mandibular line / ml
1300 RONCorrection of eye sheets / ml
1300 RONRhyno correction / ml
1300 RONHands rejuvenation / ml
1300 RON
VAMPIRE THERAPY - apasă pentru a extinde
Face vampire therapy
900 RONFace and neck vampire therapy
1050 RONFace, neck and décolleté vampire therapy
1500 RONFace, neck, décolleté and hands vampire therapy
1800 RONMicroneedling vampire therapy
900 RONBaby-face cocktail vampire therpy
500 RON
MASSAGE TYPES - apasă pentru a extinde
Therapy massage, full body & face - 80 minutes
200 RON / personTherapy massage, full body - 60 minutes
150 RON / personAnti-cellulite massage with bamboo sticks - 40 minutes
120 RON / person
SUBSCRIPTION 4 SESSIONS - apasă pentru a extinde
Therapy massage, full body & face - 80 minutes
700 RON / personTherapy massage, full body - 60 minutes
540 RON / personAnti-cellulite massage with bamboo sticks - 40 minutes
432 RON / person
SUBSCRIPTION 8 SESSIONS - apasă pentru a extinde
Therapeutic massage full body & face - 80 minutes
1400 RON / personTherapeutic massage full body - 60 minutes
1000 RON / personAnti-cellulite massage with bamboo sticks - 40 minutes
864 RON / person